Saturday, February 7, 2015

Chocolatey Strawberry Pop-Tart - Target: Marlton, NJ

Chocolatey Strawberry Pop-Tart - Target: Marlton, NJ
Nothing says love like a processed toaster pastry. (Two different Pop-Tart reviews in one week? I gotta start planning these things out better.)

All snarky-ness aside, it would be pretty cute to slip a seasonal Pop-Tart into your child's lunch bag for Valentine's Day, or even pop it into your sweetheart's pocket on their way to work. It might be fun and seasonal, but I don't think this flavor will live up to the awesomeness that is the PB&J Pop-tart. You can check out that review HERE.

Still, I thought it'd be fun to check this flavor out and give it a review, so let's get to it!

The packaging is the same as all the other non-peanut Pop-tarts, and I have discussed this packaging before in plenty of posts, so check out those links if you'd like to see my thoughts on that. With that being said, time to open this up and see if they were worth the buy.

I peeled by the foiled-plastic wrapper and the first glance at these Pop-tarts wasn't all that appealing. The colors are very muted and almost chalky-looking, while the aroma is that of a typical processed chocolate pastry. Neither the visuals, or the aroma are all that appealing, and I don't think it's because I'm a Pop-tart snob. ('Cause I totally am.) All of these toaster pastries, both Pop-tarts and the various off-brand versions, are really processed, and usually they aren't all that visually appealing, but I feel like this one is especially dull in appearance. Why not use heart shaped sprinkles? Or add ribbons of chocolate filling to the strawberry? Or go with a dark chocolate icing? I just don't see why they would go with this pale chalky icing and these red sugar crystals, there were so many better options available!

I tried the first Pop-tart un-toasted, and I gotta say, it wasn't great. The crust is really dry, possibly drier than normal, and it's not all that chocolate-y. The strawberry filling is the same as all the other strawberry themed Pop-tarts, so really, this is just a strawberry Pop-tart with a chocolate-base (Although it barely tastes like chocolate) and a mildly chocolate icing. It's not terrible, but it's pretty bland and processed tasting, even for a Pop-tart. (Which is saying something.) Then again, I could have spoiled myself by eating those PB&J Pop-tarts earlier this week, which were amazing! Really, this tastes like the normal strawberry version with a hint of cocoa powder mixed in. It's not terrible, but it isn't special or really enjoyable either.

The next one was toasted, and that seemed to make the chocolate flavoring a little bolder and more prominent, but this still wasn't worth the buy. I think this is one of the most disappointing flavors of Pop-tart's I've ever had, and normally I love strawberry flavored pastries.

If you see this on the shelves, I wouldn't recommend buying it unless you really really enjoy the normal strawberry version and want to slightly switch things up for the holiday. If you're looking for an awesome Pop-tart, try the PB&J one's! Those are now my favorite Pop-tart of all time. (And I have a coupon! So I am re-buying them during my next trip to the store.)
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